Advertising on the Internet is the only way of truly making a income from home, and pretty much all the other ways of making money are scams, lies, or a way to make money of you. For example, a survey site like Treasure Trooper, which is a pretty good survey site, is making a lot of money for every offer you complete. Generally, a simple email submit which would pay you .30 cents pays them 1.30. Wouldn't you rather have the $1.50? The thing that is actually killer is that every survey site is actually a member of an Affiliate Network! It is how they find offers to advertise!
In fact, most of the internet is just people making money. Every search for a product review and find a site that praises how good a product is and then links to Amazon? Ever click on an ad that takes you to a place to submit your email? Ever see the annoying I-Pad "you won" pop up ad? All those websites are made by average guys like you and me, and its the closest you can get to the top of the totem pole without some extremely creative ideas.
What PeerFly does is actually quite simple. They have a list of offers like free $1,000 dollar gift cards, free I-pad, etc. There is actually quite a few, and they let you advertise them. It becomes your job to make ads, find places to advertise, and to get people to complete the offer. This is simply the BEST way to make money on the internet, but it is not for everyone.
When signing up with PeerFly, you have to do a lot of things. They have a pretty long sign up process, and it can take 2-3 weeks to get approved. You will have to send them a photo or scan of your drivers license and your social security number for tax purposes. The reason for this is because most people who start making money will be making a LOT of money. Since Peerfly is a legit company, you will have to pay taxes on your income.
Are you still interested in gaining a real extra or even primary income on the internet? Do you want to eventually quit your job and stay home with you kids. Well, the only way to make that kid of money is to become a Internet Marketer, otherwise stick with the survey sites. To get started follow these steps:
Get Started With PeerFly
- Go to Peerfly
- Sign up
- Submit all your tax information
- Drivers License
- Tax Identification Number/Social Security
- Start learning
- Google Things About Internet Marketing
- Visit for great information about Internet Marketing
Good Luck with your endeavors!
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