A little cautionary tale for all of you out there trying to make some extra money on the internet. Remember to do everything possible to stay safe out there. I could have had my cell phone number of almost 8 years ruined, if I was not using Google Voice.
I've had a Google Voice number for months while now, and I finally signed up for something that gave telemarketers/scamers my Google Voice number. Last morning, I received a phone call from
18775026442 and a few hours later they called again. A few hours later 12014719853 calls me twice over a 2-4 hour period, and finally 18082032779 calls me over a 2-4 hour period. I have a feeling this is just the start...
I naturally look up all these numbers, and it appears they are trying to scam or sell you something like a gift card for 1 dollar... Yeah, right. Thankfully, I had my actual number was cut off from them. I had google voice call my cell phone 3 times before I disconnected it, now it goes straight to voice mail. The only thing left is leaving a interesting voice mail about something. Any Ideas?
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