One of the best ways to keep yourself from getting discuraged is to total up all the money you made this month. This is especially important when you are dealing with income that is basically just trickling in. This month has been a pretty good month for me. I made enough money to hit the goal I set for myself!
TreasureTrooper - 55 dollars
I worked on treasuretrooper for 7 days in the begining of the month for about a hour or two a night. This means I could have easily hit 200 dollars if I just stick with it. I'll admit this was clearly a case of the grass is greener on the other side, and I ended up doing other things that did not really pay off.
MySurvey - 50 dollars
I always do all the surveys available to me here. They always credit and are the least annoying I have ever found.
Cada Cabeza - 20 bucks
I completed the survey in late Aug, but I recieved the check mid september.
This was a great month for me on my sweepstakes! I won a total of two 25 dollar gift cards, a arby's 25 gift card, fishing line worth 25 dollars, and a tums T-shirt worth 5 bucks. This made a total of 105 dollars!
I made a total of .05 cents off of referals from this site, and another 2 dollars from ads on another site I run.
This was a pretty good haul, $237.05 dollars. The thing is this could have been a lot more. I just wasted a lot of time advertising this website and working on a few other ideas I had that did not quite work out. I realistically could have made ~$400 dollars and if everything was ideal I could have been looking at upwards of $500 dollars.
This is all income anyone could have made. This did not require any special skills, scamming, spamming, recruiting, anything. Just entering a couple of sweepstakes and doing a few surveys. Do not get discuraged! Stick with it, and enjoy the rewards at the end of the month.
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