20 minutes, 20 buck check, easiest money ever. |
This is really easy to do just click the banner above or this link. Once you sign up, with legit information (kinda hard to cash a check in someone else name), all you have to do is click on control panel - my first surveys. Once there you take the 9-10 simple surveys that are about 1-2 pages long each. Once you reach 1000 points, click on control panel, trade your points, and 3-4 weeks later you will have a 20 dollar check in the mail.
Intended for Hispanics, but everything is in English (or has options to switch to English).
You do NOT have to verify your Hispanic background.
This site does have some draw backs. It does not offer that many surveys after the original first surveys. It took about a week to receive another survey offer from them, which will make it really hard to reach cash out again. You still make 20 bucks really fast, and who couldn't use a free tank of gas or free dinner?